Porto, Porto Airport (OPO),
1 adult
CIP Lounge
Check in for your flight, check out your luggage, and pass security checks separately from other passengers.
1 adult
1 ×
305 $
CIP Lounge
Meet with an assistant, collect your luggage, and pass security checks separately from other passengers.
1 adult
1 ×
305 $
CIP Lounge
Check in for your flight, check out your luggage, and pass security checks separately from other passengers.
1 adult
1 ×
305 $
CIP Lounge
Meet with an assistant, collect your luggage, and pass security checks separately from other passengers.
1 adult
1 ×
305 $
VIP lounges at Porto Airport (OPO)
VABA is an aggregator of services at airports around the world. We will help you book a VIP lounge at Porto Airport so that before your flight you can relax or work in silence on soft chairs.
What is available in the VIP lounges at Porto Airport
- Personal assistant.He will answer all questions and guide you to boarding.
- Personal transport.A driver will take you to the ramp in a car.
- Help with luggage.You won`t have to carry heavy suitcases around the airport - a baggage handler will help with that.
- No queues.You will be checked individually, separately from other passengers.
- Conditions for work and rest.The VIP room has Wi-Fi, soft chairs and places where you can sit with a laptop.
- Food and drinks. Snacks and drinks - alcoholic and non-alcoholic - are prepared especially for guests of the hall.
- Privacy The VIP lounge is closed to other passengers. You won`t be disturbed by the noise and bustle of the airport - you can relax or prepare for important meetings.
We recommend booking the VIP lounge at Porto Airport in advance to ensure the required dates are available. And we will try to make your journey stress-free from start to finish.
You can book a service directly on the VABA website in a few clicks. And if you have any questions, write or call - we will help you at any time.
Frequently Asked Questions
The VIP lounge at Porto Airport offers exclusive services and amenities for passengers who want to spend their waiting time in comfort and with maximum convenience.
To access the VIP lounge you need to have with you:
- Passport or ID card.
- Boarding pass.
- Confirmation of purchase of access to the VIP lounge (if you purchased it in advance).